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We are a Community Building Initiative inspiring a critical mass of citizen's involvement on a personal and collective transformational path, implementing evolutionary global solutions at a local and bioregional scale. 

We are building a network of Synergetic Communities that will connect with other local communities into a larger Bio-regional network across the world.  


These networks will be  action-oriented by sharing knowledge, resources and developing the skills to act together as one on strategic goals and community challenges.

How do we do it?

Our goal is to raise humanity’s consciousness by evolving our Social Operating System: A more advanced and collaborative way for humanity to thrive.  


Our overall strategy is based on three Developing pillars:

  • Planetary Co-creation,

  • Personal and Collective Healing and

  • Unified Prayer across sacred sites with existing networks of wisdom keepers.

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An Evolutionary Framework


  • We use it as a community coherence container to hold systemic conversations and foster co-creation across silos.

  • It works as a caleidoscope to map, track and connect what works to create an ecosystems of evolutionary innovations.

  • It is the base of the Co-creathon to help communities access their collective Intelligence and foster greater synergy to accelerate Innovations.

The Wheel of Co-creation

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Co-creating a Planetary Commons


Our vision is to co-create a global network of Conscious Communities based on bio-regions across the world, reaching Food, Water, Energy and Data security.


We envision regenerative bioregions sharing knowledge and resources to craft a better way for humanity, we call it:


Contact us:

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